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Friday, 14th February 2025
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Rita Officially Opens to the Public

After 6 months of groundwork, construction and testing, Rita: Queen of Speed is now open to the general public.

Themed around a race meet in Ug Land, the latest roller coaster to be added to Alton Towers' lineup launches guests from 0 to 66mph in 2.5 seconds.

Those lucky enough to have had advanced previews of the ride agree that the launch literally takes your breath away - this is not one for the faint hearted!

Ever since breaking the news about Rita last June, ATA has kept you updated with photos, video footage and more, direct from the construction site. Take a look at our Rita Construction Section to see how it all happened.

Enjoy your ride!

The ATA Team

Almanac Features
Rita - Queen of Speed Construction
Everything you could possibly want to know about Rita's development is here. There are literally hundreds of photos here, and also videos, stats, an interactive diagram, and downloads.
Webmaster - An Adventure on Ice
Download our teaser video of the new ice show
Almanac Updates
Last updated on 14th August 2002 - click here to find out what they were.
Alton Towers are considering the creation of an "Alton Towers Memory Bank", and they need your help.

The park are looking for as much on park/ride footage as possible, and in particular, "personal experience" footage - eg, showing family members and/or friends having a great time whilst enjoying their day at the theme park. It doesn't matter if the footage is recent or old, it's all suitable.

How the footage will be used on the park is yet to be decided, but they have made it clear that any footage used will gain a reward for the person who sent it!

If you are able to help please contact us at We are able to take footage in digital formats, VHS, miniDV or 8mm camcorder tape formats. We will do our best to return everything that you require returning. If you want to send digital files that are more than a few MB it would be more practical to post them on a CD/DVD.

Hopefully we'll be able to gather together plenty of footage to pass onto the park, so let us know if you can help and we will pass on addresses to send footage to.
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